Download: The Raveonettes, ‘Suicide’



My favorite retro-pop Danes, the Raveonettes, have dropped another glorious fuzz-bomb in their fourth album, “In and Out of Control” (just out on Vice). Maybe it’s because Sun Rose Wagner and Sharin Foo seem to have spent so much time in Los Angeles over the past couple of years, but the new album sounds surf-infused, and almost sunny – if not for the duo’s typically intense and sometimes dark lyrical content, on display in the likes of “Suicide” and “Boys Who Rape (Should All Be Detroyed).” Sweet melodies and harmonies abound amid their Spector and spectral sounds, though; the ’60s never sounded so good.

||| Download: “Suicide” and “Last Dance”

||| Live: The Raveonettes perform Tuesday at the Detroit Bar in Costa Mesa, Friday at the Fonda Theatre and Saturday at the Glass House.

||| Watch: After the jump, check out the video for “Last Dance”:

Photo by Camilla Stephan