Download: The Chapin Sisters, ‘Sweet Light’


The beautifully haunting harmonies of the Chapin Sisters (who now consist of Lily and Abigail Chapin) first floated onto the scene when they released their “Oh, Hear the Wind Blow” EP and their debut full-length “Two” shortly after during 2010. They’ve taken some time off after the departure of member (and half-sister) Jessica Craven. However, they haven’t completely parted ways with the stage since then. Singing in She & Him’s backing band has kept the duo busy, and they’ve also spent this time writing new material for a sophomore release expected sometime in 2012. If the new record sounds anything like their latest track, “Sweet Light,” (sung in a cappella for the first three-quarters of the song), it should be a gorgeous listen as they continue their union of sweeping folk and sophisticated darkness.

||| Download: “Sweet Light”

||| Live: The Chapin Sisters play Oct. 2 at McCabe’s in Santa Monica.