Ears Wide Open: The Neighbourhood


Don’t you hate secrets? Unless you’re the one keeping them, of course. I’ve been resisting making a big deal out of a band called the Neighbourhood because they’re playing the old cat-and-mouse “secret identity” gimmick, and I’ve always abided by full-disclosure rules: Let me know who you are, who plays what, where your home base is, and I will scribble accordingly. So I make the Neighbourhood an exception because the only song they’ve released so far, “Female Robbery,” is damned good. Here’s what we know:

— “Female Robbery” is already big in the U.K., having been touted on websites there and played on Radio One.
— The Neighbourhood has a manager based in New York City, who tells me the band is a quintet from Newbury Park, “average age 19/20,” but declines to elaborate further on their background.
— Newbury Park is west of Thousand Oaks, 44 miles (give or take) from Silver Lake.
— The Neighbourhood are working on an EP for possible release in late May.
— They had a video made for the song by Zack Sekuler, who won’t tell me anything either.
They make sweaters and I want one.

Last night on my KCSN show, I offered free dinner at In-N-Out Burger (I’ll even drive out to the Newbury Road location) for information leading to my learning their identities. Question my ethics if you like, but those double-doubles are pretty tasty.

||| Stream: “Female Robbery”