Ears Wide Open: Facts on File


Facts on File sound like a project David Byrne might’ve started in his garage in 1976, not such a bad thing for fans of angst-y post-punk or avant-garde pop. The trio of singer-bassist Joseph White, drummer Molly Durkin and guitarist Jason Spencer relocated to L.A. from San Francisco in 2009, and in late April they will release their self-titled album. In sum, the album could be the soundtrack to this generation’s uncertain future – or at least the dance party we throw to celebrate the present. White’s video for “How We Will Get Along,” filmed by Tim Davis, suggests a couple of coping mechanisms.

||| Download: “How Will We Get Along”

||| Live: Facts on File play March 14 at Silverlake Lounge with Bad Lamps and Belowme, April 7 at the Cinema Bar with Bikos and April 21 at Los Globos, opening for Les Sans Culottes.

More after the jump:

||| Stream: “Keep It Together”