Coachella 2015: Bad Suns, young and on the rise



Who: Bad Suns in the Mojave Tent
In 3 or Fewer Words: Coming-out party.
Memorable Because: “Four years ago — I was 16 at the time — I came to Coachella for the first time,” frontman Christo Bowman told a very young crowd who seemed to have his lyrics memorized. “This is a dream come true.” In between figuratively pinching himself, Bowman led Bad Suns through another local-band-made-good story, racing (sometimes almost too quickly) through songs off the debut album “Language & Perspective.” Live, Bad Suns projected as dancier than on record, and the set’s highlights included “Cardiac Arrest,” “Transpose,” “Salt,” “Dancing on Quicksand” and “Pretend,” the latter of which earned the kind of fan obeisance usually reserved for teen idols. Oh, and the frontman made one balky attempt at going into the crowd; he needs some work on that part. Overall, though, count this one as a milestone.
What I’d Tell My Friends Who Were at Benjamin Booker: You made an astute choice too.
— K.B. (Photos by Bronson)

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