Video: Nico Yaryan, ‘Just Tell Me’

Nico Yaryan (Photo by Molly Steele)
Nico Yaryan (Photo by Molly Steele)

L.A.-based Nico Yaryan’s straightforward but evocative debut album “What a Tease” was inspired by a transcontinental love affair. It’s the kind of plaintive introspection that might inspire one of our favorite ways to introspect: Go alone to a place crowded with people and stuff. And so the Daniel Henry-directed video for the single “Just Tell Me” (vaulted to greater prominence when it appeared in the TV series “Empire”) is set at the Inglewood MarketPlace swap meet. “I hit up Daniel Henry to direct this video because I’m a big fan of his work, and he came all the way out from Nashville to make it happen,” Yaryan told Noisey, where it premiered. “We ended up casting a few people that were working and shopping in there. It was a lot of fun. I used to work at a sneaker shop so I had to get some white Air Force Ones in a featured role, too.” Yaryan, who spent two years as touring drummer for his high school buddy Hanni El Khatib, will release “What a Tease” on June 3 (it was originally scheduled for a February release).

||| Watch: The video for “What a Tease”

||| Live: Nico Yaryan plays April 25 at the Echo as part of Korey Dane’s residency.

||| Previously: “Old Gloria”