Stream: Death Valley Girls, ‘I’m a Man Too’

Death Valley Girls (Photo by Darian Zahedi)
Death Valley Girls (Photo by Darian Zahedi)

Next week, when Echo Park quartet Death Valley Girls release their sophomore album “Glow in the Dark,” will become (OK, arguably) the best thing ever to come out on Burger Records. In a scene where a lot of bands are cutting their teeth, Death Valley Girls bare theirs; their punk-metal is the stuff of slash-band-burn guitars, baked-by-the-sun production and slap-you-upside-the-head attitude. Speaking of the latter, the new single is “I’m a Man Too,” which frontwoman Bonnie Bloomgarden explained thusly to Noisey: “In the midst of the third great sexual revolution we defy anyone to tell us who is and who is not a man.”

It’s especially telling considering everybody’s (some in various channels of the media, and artists themselves) obsolete predisposition to separate rock bands by gender. Surely retiring the descriptor “female-fronted” is a topic ripe for a larger discussion, but for now Death Valley Girls are just flipping it the bird: “If you’re a man / I’m a man too.”

||| Stream: “I’m a Man Too”

||| Live: Death Valley Girls celebrate their album release with a show June 30 at the Echo, joined by Peach Kelli Pop and Frankie and the Witch Fingers. Tickets.

||| Previously: “Glow in the Dark”