Video: Blondfire, ‘Domino’
Kevin Bronson on

How many blondes does it take to make a Blondfire video? Well, just one, actually, if you use a little imagination and current technology. It just seems like there is a awful lot of them in the L.A. band’s new visual for “Domino.” Frontwoman Erica Driscoll filmed the video DIY style on her iPhone 6S, building a collage of effects, split-screen freakouts and whimsical images to create what she calls a “surrealist stop-motion dreamscape.” The song is the lushest of the lush tracks on Blondfire’s all-killer, no-filler “True Confessions” EP, which saw the band moving away from synth-pop to a guitar-driven but no less dreamy sound. Popgazers of the world, unite.
||| Watch: The video for “Domino”
||| Previously: Live at Chinatown Summer Nights, “True Confessions,” “Pleasure”
[…] Blondfire “Domino” Erica Driscoll made the whole thing on her phone. […]