Department of Eagles, division of dissenters


Department of Eagles Live at The TroubadourOne man’s lush is another man’s muddled, I guess.

While Department of Eagles was playing to an overwhelmingly adoring crowd on Friday at the Troubadour, I stood stupified in the throng, counting the moments until I could get back in my car and return to my advance of the new Elvis Perkins in Dearland album. And I was in the smallest of minorities – the foursome led by former NYU roomies Daniel Rossen and Fred Nicolaus cast a spell over the shoulder-to-shoulder crowd.

“I guess this is technically a hometown show,” Rossen told the crowd, allowing as he is a Hamilton High product, before launching into the akilter chamber-folk on the highly praised album “In Ear Park.” The proceedings felt like an alumni reunion I had somehow crashed, complete with inside jokes I didn’t get and fight songs that weren’t inspiring. Even with its heart-rending backstory, “In Ear Park’s” material comes off as an affectation by Two Very Smart Guys determined to share their compositional experimentation. To a dummy with a low threshold for preciosity, Friday night spelled tedium.

But I’m probably just wrong (and there’s the convenient “comment” button to tell me how much).

Photo of Rossen by Timothy Norris, courtesy of LA Weekly. For a gret look at Friday’s show, see the Weekly’s slideshow. And Randall Roberts’ review is here.