Download: FIDLAR, ‘No Waves’
Kevin Bronson on
Ah, FIDLAR are at it again. And we’re not referring to whatever Zac Carper has going on in the press photo. The quartet is leading the charge among the cadre of young L.A. bands doing stripped-down garage-pop that’s skate-, surf- and party-friendly. From their early digital singles to last year’s “DIYDUI” EP for White Iris, they make catchy sound as easy as three chords, two beers and a bong. The 2 1/2-minute blasts from Carper, brothers Elvis and Max Kuehn and Brandon Schwartzel seem the antithesis of the mantra from which they get their band name, F*ck It Dog, Life’s A Risk – they’re not very risky at all. But they sure are fun. Their new single “No Waves” will be out as a 7-inch via Mom+Pop Records on March 13. Maybe it’s derring-do enough.
||| Download: “No Waves”
[audio: – No Waves.mp3]||| Live: FIDLAR plays March 4 at the Echo.
||| Previously: “Wait for the Man”
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