Coachella 2014: Poolside, like being … poolside



Who: Poolside in the Mojave Tent
In 3 or Fewer Words: No beach balls?
Memorable Because: “I feel like I’m on the roof at the Standard Hotel,” a friend said corrosively as he was being introduced to the L.A. electro outfit Poolside on a toasty afternoon. That’s. Exactly. The. Point. The band’s slo-mo-dis-co, with its chiming synths and fey vocals, maintains a certain azure vibe, and if you want it to be more you’re simply asking too much. Best to slather on some suntan lotion and grab a brightly colored drink. The Mojave Tent was light on the swimwear in the heat of Sunday afternoon, although Filip Nikolic wore his Echo Park Surf Club T-shirt. And the cover of Neil Young’s “Harvest Moon” still hasn’t gotten old. Toes tapped, heads bobbed and energy was conserved for the evening’s more demanding offerings.
What I’d Tell My Friend Who Was At Flight Facilities: It was too early for the Sahara Tent.
– K.B. (Photo by Bronson)