Video: Winter, ‘All The Things You Do’


Like licking an ice cream cone full of tiny razor blades, Winter‘s new single “All The Things You Do” is sweet and serrated in all the right places. Written by Samira Winter and recorded by bandmate Matt Hogan, this unrequited love song is about “creating dreamworlds and questions about distance, time, space in our experience of reality,” according to the band’s Facebook post. As their first single on Burger Records, “All The Things You Do” picks up where last year’s Lolipop-released album “Supreme Blue Dream” left off. Drifting between dreamy pop and shoegaze, it’s both soft and hard, has its head in the clouds and its feet planted firmly on the distortion pedal. Directed by Kevin Kearney, the cute video draws us in with the singer’s sweet smile, and a love affair ensues between herself and the grungy guy of her dreams through a TV screen.

||| Watch: “All The Things You Do”

||| Live: Winter performs Nov. 24 at the Echo.

||| Previously: “Some Kind Of Surprise” & “Winter”