Video: YACHT, ‘Shame’


The new video for “Shame” is “too close for comfort’ cosplay,” says YACHT, “like nobody noticing you parted your hair on the wrong side.” The existential electro duo point a finger inward and outwardly in the video for the song from their newest EP, “Strawberry Moon.” Speaking as one, the duo add, “The world of wellness and social media lifestyle brands (#vanlife) is our generation’s back to the land movement, a fantasy of escape from the rat race and from the darkness of our millennial prospects.” Watch Jona Bechtolt and Claire L. Evans eat pomegranates from the farmers market, create perfect pottery in their own backyard and capture every glorious moment of the day for IG, all the while turning their lifestyle into a brand and ‘organic life mist’ called Kibu. They explain, “We want to highlight how much thought and work goes into the appearance of effortlessness. Kibu (pronounced key-boo) is our lifestyle brand. Kibu is Ubik backwards. ‘Ubik’ is a novel by Philip K. Dick about a spray that holds reality in place. Kibu is a real product. Kibu is a real brand. Kibu Mist is coming soon, in an exclusive collaboration with P.F. Candle Company.”

In other news, the duo have a new album coming before the end of 2018, which will be accompanied by a documentary produced by Memory. Otherwise, they will be busy using two grants to restore the Triforium, a 1975 polyphonoptic sculpture in downtown Los Angeles, while finding time to celebrate Evans’ new book, “Broad Band,”a feminist history of the internet, coming out on March 6. 

||| Watch: “Shame”

||| Live: Yacht perform Feb. 9 at Lodge Room. Tickets