Photos: Angel Olsen and Adrianne Lenker at the El Rey Theatre

Angel Olsen at the El Rey Theatre (Photo by Jessica Hanley)
Angel Olsen at the El Rey Theatre (Photo by Jessica Hanley)

Angel Olsen’s Coachella add-on show on Tuesday night at the El Rey Theatre was an intimate affair — as much as a sold-out concert can be — full of laughs, banter and a setlist spanning her three albums and even dating back to her debut EP in 2011.

Olsen opened with “Some Things Cosmic,” then saying, “Thanks for coming out to this solo show. You guys knew that right? There is no band tonight.” The crowd cheered in response. Her set ended up being a little less than an hour and included “Unfucktheworld,” “Iota,” and “White Fire” from 2014’s “Burn Your Fire for No Witness.” Halfway through her set, she warned that this was “sad part of the set, but there will be a happier part” — to which a fan replied, “I want to cry.” Olsen responded, “Fucking cry. That will be my new poster. ‘Fucking cry’ on tour now. You guys support that right?”

Later, Olsen asked for recommendations on where to get tacos, traded banter about a fan’s dog and shared a dream she had in which her cat ate a Demogorgon and turned evil.

Adrianne Lenker of Big Thief opened up the night to an already filled El Rey. She thanked the crowd for coming out early and that it was such a “treat to perform like this,” meaning a set of just her and her guitar (except for one song for which her brother joined in).

Photos by Jessica Hanley