Ears Wide Open: Good Witch

Good Witch (Photo by Samuel Gehrke)
Good Witch (Photo by Samuel Gehrke)

L.A.-based Good Witch is a collaboration between singer Rose Shawhan and producer Raymond Richards (Local Natives, Avid Dancer). On the heels of releasing their EP “Four Corners” last year, they’ve teased three songs from their upcoming new EP, “Double Life,” to be released on November 2. 

Shawhan says about the release, “… the record to me feels rooted in both LA and Portland [where Richards has relocated], with friends old and new all over it. The title refers to me being a Gemini, but also the contrast between my public and private faces, what people think of me, and who I actually am.”

The latest track “Tough Love” is about wanting a relationship that’s more than easy, if not downright difficult, as Shawhan sings, “Give me your tough love / I like it rough love / Give me your heart… I can’t resist a challenge / Like to upset the balance.” Against high-register synths, it’s a romantic 80’s pop song turned on its head.

“Loyalty” is a song that looks back on a doomed relationship of the past and tests loyalties at present. Whereas that past lover is living in a stability that’s gone cold, Shawhan sings, “It’s hotter than hell here…/ Change is too hard so you’re choosing stasis …/ She’s loyal and she loves you / She forgives your mistakes / We had our chance / We didn’t have what it takes…” Then referencing the song “Tough Love,” she continues “I told you before I like it rough / So come over here and fill my cup… One way or the other someone’s heart’s gonna break.” The fire that burns at least in her is enough to melt what’s left of Antarctica.

||| Stream: “Tough Love” and “Loyalty”

||| Also stream: “Shake You Loose”

||| Live: Good Witch celebrate their EP release with a free show at the Satellite on Oct. 31. Blood Candy and Doctrin open. Donations will also be accepted for the Los Angeles House of Ruth women’s shelter.