Video: Polartropica, ‘Wild Lyfe’


Taiwan-born, L.A.-based Ihui (eeway) Cherise Wu’s bubbly space-pop band Polartropica got its name from Mark Foster’s song “Polartropic.” She liked the contrast between ‘polar’ and ‘tropical’ and decided her project would join things that don’t necessarily belong together. For her, that means meshing futuristic synths with string arrangements and classical instruments like the guzheng, a Chinese zither Jett Kwong plays on this latest track, “Wild Lyfe.”

“This song is about exploring what it means to be a wild animal in captivity, never having the chance to interact with other species in the wild or being able to use their natural-born instincts,” says Wu. “Do they just become a shell of their wild selves, just living, breathing stuffed animals for human enjoyment and entertainment?” The song was also inspired by the Islands episode from “Planet Earth II.” “Specifically, the scene where newborn baby mermaid water iguanas are making their epic trek to the ocean while chased in all directions by snakes on the land,” she says.

The video for “Wild Lyfe” is about treating all creatures with kindness and respect and finds some pretty friends of Wu’s prancing around to entertain an unappreciative audience, who then escape and go swimming. A follow-up full-length to 2016’s “Astrodreams” (Lolipop Records) is on its way soon.

||| Watch: “Wild Lyfe”