Stream: New singles from Winter, Milly and Triptides

Winter (Photo by Athena Merry)

Stretching out with these new songs from Winter, Milly and Triptides

WINTER, “Good” (feat. SASAMI)

Here’s a song whose layers have layers. “Good” is the latest single from Samira Winter’s forthcoming album “What Kind of Blue Are You?,” which was introduced by the singles “Lose You” and “Atonement.” A simple mantra with one lyric repeated until it alters your breathing pattern, the new single features Sasami Ashworth as a counter to Winter’s angelic presence. “This song is intoxicating,” Winter says. “SASAMI has such a strong presence and voice, she really turned up the notch in how alluring and seductive this song feels.” SASAMI’s brother, Joo Joo Ashworth, produced the album, which is out Oct. 14 via Bar/None Records. Winter plays Oct. 22 at Zebulon, along with Peel Dream Magazine.

MILLY, “Marcy”

Singer-songwriter-guitarist Brendan Dyer continues to make the ’90s a melodically safe place. “Marcy” is the fourth single from Milly’s debut album, “Eternal Ring” (out Sept. 30 via Dangerbird Records). “It started off with me learning how to play ‘Trigger Cut’ by Pavement and I just stayed in that tuning,” Dyer says. “The guitar playing and overall feel is loosely inspired by Seam’s ‘You’re Driving Me Crazy’ record and there’s definitely some Malkmus worship. Maybe some Sebadoh, too. Living in L.A. can make you easily jaded for all the scenesters you run into at godforsaken bars and I was just tryna take the piss out on all the punishing conversations I’ve had to have. It’s L.A. and everyone is a smart guy (including myself, maybe).” See also: “Ring True,” “Illuminate” and “Nullify.”  Milly were solid on Friday night opening for Goon at the Lodge Room, and next up they have a date opening for the Paranoyds on Oct. 13 at the Constellation Room.

TRIPTIDES, “Where I’m Going

Like the title track released late last year, Triptides’ ninth album “So Many Days” is just about everything anybody in 2022 would want a Laurel Canyon-inspired record to be. And then some. The trio of Glen Brigman, Brendan Peleo-Lazar and Stephen Burns stretch the boundaries here and there, arriving at 11 tracks that feel painstakingly crafted yet free-spirited. “Where I’m Going” is the closing track — in Triptides’ case, where they went is the San Bernadino Mountains, where this album was made. Somehow, though, the “San Bernardino Mountain Sound” doesn’t roll off the tongue. Stream the whole album here or here.