Stream: The Tracks, ‘Glance’
Kevin Bronson on

Almost one year to the day since they released their last single, Boyle Heights quartet the Tracks return today with a new song, “Glance” — and the news that their sophomore album, “Paredón Blanco,” will arrive next spring.
The band — singer-guitarist Venancio Bermudez, bassist Felipe Contreras, drummer Jimmy Conde and guitarist Juan Santana — are still beholden to the raw, urgent sound of the early-Aughts garage-rock revival. But why mess with a good thing? The Tracks’ 2018 debut album, “Treasured Memories,” sizzled with that sound, as the guys, who met back when they attended Roosevelt High, spoke to the experiences of growing up in East L.A.
And like that first album, “Paredón Blanco” was made with producer Lewis Pesacov (Best Coast, FIDLAR, Nikki Lane, Guards, Valley Queen, among others).
While their 2020 post-punker “You People” spoke to broad issues of race, “Glance” is a personal but no less intense meditation. Says Bermudez: “The first time you lay your eyes on somebody you just have to know — the unspoken emotions, the fear of the worst, falling in and out … This song has held me through it all.”
||| Stream: “Glance”
||| Live: The Tracks open for Kid Congo and the Pink Monkey Birds on Saturday night at Open The Portal (147 N. Avenue 18). They also open for Kid Congo on Monday night at Alex’s Bar in Long Beach (tickets).
||| Previously: “You People,” Quarantunes, Live at the Hammer, Live at the Hi Hat, “Strange Moments,” “Hanging On,” “Go Out Tonight”
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