Video premiere: Sexy Jesus, ‘Friends’

Sexy Jesus
Sexy Jesus

Sexy Jesus is the winking name for the solo music of Stephen Edelstein, the drummer for the likes of Caught a Ghost and other bands, and a bearded man whose musical exploits earn him many disciples. A few years ago, in between touring and other obligations, Edelstein starting writing his own songs. Because of those obligations, not many Sexy Jesus songs have seen the light of day, but today brings the release of “Friends,” his third single.

It’s a party anthem with a shout-along chorus about “all the deviants and weirdos I meet in Los Angeles,” the songwriter says lovingly. You get to see some of them in director Nick Nakahara’s video, which is not for the weak of stomach because of one scene in which a hardy partyer tosses his cookies. Still, as Sexy Jesus makes his way around venues such as the Teragram Ballroom, El Condor, Holloway, the Cha Cha Lounge, the Black Cat and the Satellite and then ends up at a raging house party, it’s a fitting celebration of “Friends.”

Sexy Jesus’ debut EP, “Make It Big,” is in the works.

||| Watch: The video for “Friends”