Download: ‘The Christmas Gig’ compilation album
Kevin Bronson on
Attention holiday shoppers: We know that your favorite price tag reads “free,” so at the risk of whoring ourselves out to a major retailer, we’re going to tell you about “The Christmas Gig,” a digital compilation of holiday tunes. It’s free. It’s original music. It’s good, in places really good. And it includes a lot of people Buzz Bands knows and loves, highlighted by: Darker My Love adding some sleigh bells to its Byrdsian jangle; Guster holding forth in sweet harmony; Jenny O enchanting for a too-brief 2 minutes; Crystal Antlers stomping circles in the snow; Little Jackie injecting some soul into the proceedings; and Coconut Records (aka Jason Schwartzman) doing a tune called “It’s Christmas.” Thirteen tracks, including a Best Coast/Wavves collaboration and a lovely number en español from Ceci Bastida [pictured].
||| Download: “The Christmas Gig”
||| Watch: After the jump, check out the major retailer’s nifty little video and hear Darker My Love’s “Snow Is Falling”:
[…] December, my mailbox must be filling with holiday songs. Hopefully, you already grabbed that compilation of originals that I posted about a couple of weeks ago. Today, I have dueling versions of the same song. Which […]