Stream: Magic Bronson, ‘ITILYN’

Magic Bronson

In ways ranging from winking indignation to bitingly sardonic, Magic Bronson have long plumbed the L.A. life and its sundry neuroses for their dancey anthems. Now the L.A. electronic pop duo of Michael Nicastro and Matt Lieberman, both real-live natives, have turned up with their definitive statement on their hometown.

“ITILYN” stands for I Think I Love You Now, and it’s the latest single from their forthcoming album “Sweat,” arriving in the fall. It ticks off a lot of the obvious things (traffic, rent, weather) while seducing with head-bobbing beats, sun-warped effects and a gang chorus.

“‘ITILYN’ was inspired by our love/hate relationship with Los Angeles,” says the duo, who have released one full-length and three EPs. “We were both born in LA and still live here so we definitely have a unique perspective. I think sometimes when you grow up in a city you can take it for granted a bit and not realize how much great stuff there is to do and see, as opposed to someone who moves to L.A. and is really excited to go out and see the sights. We’ve both lived on the East and West side and they both have their own cool quirks and qualities which we wanted to touch on in the lyrics.

“I think a lot of people in L.A. get stuck in the traffic or bogged down by the high rent and have these fantasies of moving somewhere else that’s cheaper or easier but then you get an L.A. sunset or a perfect day cruising the boardwalk and you realize ah man this city’s actually pretty great. Just when you feel like you’ve had enough something happens to remind you why you actually do love living there and why you put up with all the hardships.”

||| Stream: “ITILYN”

||| Also: Stream “Surfin”

||| Previously: “Tell All Your Friends,” “Electrify,” “Knock It Off,” “It’s Happening,” “Magic Bronson” EP, “Run Run,” “Wildlife” album, “Fences,” “Shivers”