Stream: Lone Kodiak, ‘Inner Monologue’
Kevin Bronson on

Lone Kodiak — Dainéal Parker, Daniel Alden, Josh Harris and recent addition Ben Palmer — started their journey in cinematic indie-rock territory. Their transformation to full-frontal hard rockers, charted by recent singles “Werewolf Girl!,” “Let’s Hear It for the Kid” and “The Corner Booth,” received an exclamation point Friday with the release of “Inner Monologue.”
Alternately pounding, thrashing and grinding, “Inner Monologue” arrived with the news that Lone Kodiak’s debut album, “If We Have a Future,” will be out Feb. 9. The band co-produced the album with Kyle Mangels.
The new single is a song whose teeth have teeth — muscular, raw and visceral as Parker hyperbolizes, “I wanna kill myself” rather than conform, pander to mass appeal or abide algorithms. It’s not the statement one might have expected from Parker and Alden, given the tragic end to their Portland project Emberghost, but one you have to admire for its ferocity and honesty.
||| Stream: “Internal Monologue”
||| Previously: “Werewolf Girl,” “PDX 97,” Interview (2020) / “Make It a Weapon,” “MNTNSD,” “Someone Else’s Future,” “Calm Down,” “Leap Year,” Ears Wide Open
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