Stream: Gothic Tropic, ‘Drunk on a Rhythm’
Kevin Bronson on

For eight or so years now, Cecilia Della Peruti has juggled her promising solo work as Gothic Tropic with her other exploits, which seem to include everything except leaping tall buildings in a single bound.
She’s served as a touring musician for the likes of Beck, Charli XCX and BØRNS, engaged in a collaboration or two, earned plaudits for her guitar work and even repped the instrument for Fender. Gothic Tropic’s style-shifting music has come in drips and drabs, starting with the “Awesome Problems” EP in 2011 and culminating in the 2017 full-length “Fast or Feast.”
Today she returned with the new single “Drunk on a Rhythm,” the first song from a new album that’s been in the works for a year. It’s a woozy pop track in which a wobbly synth shares space with the singer’s plaintive vocals, a lick of saxophone and a little guitar solo that sounds like it’s being filtered through a kitchen appliance. Not bad things at all, as it’s essentially a song that surveys the entrails of busted relationship. Think of it as something that’ll work with three cocktails and Haim in your earbuds.
“The song’s theme is on my most recent breakup,” she says. “Releasing ‘Drunk on a Rhythm’ first is my way of being generous to myself; helping me heal from betrayal, accepting joy and moving on. The overall meaning of the song nurtures my independent identity in all its truth. Lyrically, ‘Drunk on a Rhythm’ is about meeting someone new and being magnetized to see each other ‘every other day,’ because your energies are undeniable. I recorded this with my good friend Jon Joseph, whose visionary approach to the production brought the song into a delicious analog airtight world, featuring Dusty Moon on drums and Max Kaplan on saxophone. Fun fact, I went to high school with both of them! Putting this positive foot forward for summer feels appropriately indulgent.”
Also notable: Della Peruti has a side project in the works with Alex Goose (Madlib, Weezer) and Danielle Luppi (Danger Mouse, Karen O, Parquet Courts). She promises more info on that in the coming months.
||| Stream: “Drunk on a Rhythm”
||| Previously: “Your Soul,” live at Chinatown Summer Nights, live at Resident, “Stronger,” “Puppet Master,” Ears Wide Open
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